
Role: Developer | Software/Languages: C++, OpenGL (GLSL), Qt, Photoshop

For the final project of my graduate course CIS 560: Interactive Computer Graphics, I worked alongside my classmates Hansen Yi and Debby Li to design and code the block-based game Minecraft from scratch! My main contributions to our final “Mini-Minecraft” included:

  1. building a Player Physics Engine and Game Engine Tick() Function

    • I implemented a ray-cast collision detection system for player collision detection mechanics as well as acceleration-based movement for the player’s walking, accelerating, flying, falling, etc.

  2. Block Texturing and Texture Animation

    • I implemented the OpenGL texturing pipeline for rendering block textures, texture transparency, and animating water and lava

    • I also designed new, custom textures for our original biome environment designs in Adobe Photoshop

  3. implementing a Procedurally Simulated Sky with a Day/Night Cycle

    • I designed the sky using a ray-cast method, such that the color of the sun and sky would affect the light that is rendered on the terrain, both direction and color-wise

  • I defined custom time intervals at which dusk, dawn, and daytime would change and interpolated between colors to create a beautifully colored sky.

Below are the shots from my procedural sky! I also included some of my favorites shots from our game, which features new biome environments such as Redstone Canyons, Tropical Islands, the Cherry and Wisteria Blossom Forest, etc.


Physically-Based Shader

