HackCooper 2019: Solar Support
Role: Designer | Software: Unity and Photoshop
In my first-ever hackathon in 2019, I collaborated with my teammates Erin Donahue and Anna Monaco to design an educational game in Unity teaching the science behind photovoltaic solar panels. The goal was to use the medium of video games to dissect the otherwise complex topic of photovoltaic energy into simplified, kid-friendly mini-games.
I was still completely new to coding at that point, so my one and only job was to create all the graphics and animations for Erin and Anna to use in Unity. Using Adobe Photoshop, I created countless graphics as well as scientific animations illustrating how energy travels to and through solar panels.
In 24 hours, our team worked tirelessly to put together our game and our efforts paid off—we ended up winning 1st Best Hack AND Best High-Schooler Hack at HackCooper @ The Cooper Union. Through this experience, I learned the potential of video games as a positive educational force!
Demo Video for Solar Support, which contained three levels that taught photovoltaic energy in a kid-friendly manner through small mini games.